If you're one of those #outofoffice and #athome people, as we nearly all are right now, we here at gorman have come up with our list of hot tips and recommendations to help us stay cool, calm, collected and creative, rather than letting it all get to us.

More world news coming at you than ever before ✔

Confined to the apartment ✔

Missing your mates ✔

Living through your screen ✔ ✔

Our daily routines are turned on their heads while we stay home, and this can rock us humans somewhat.

Why not learn the art of breathing? Turn off to tune in.

From deep breathing techniques to coloring, you might even make it through to meditation status. Some yoga shivashina? It's the space between feeling awake and asleep at the same time where you can find all sorts of peace and trippy subconscious happenings emerging from the inside. We are sending you to our tried and tested meditation apps, Smiling Mind and Calm to get the inner peace flowing.

Gertrude Street Yoga are also running daily online yoga classes and offer a wide variety of practices – for all the details, head to their website here.

Bored? Never... Whether you know it or not, you have artisan bones in your body even if located deep down in your center. Let's find them. Write something, knit something, and cook something better than you've ever cooked anything ever before, visually arrange your pot plants so the branches are tickling each under the leaves, and hit the sewing machine... chop some old things up to make a new thing. If you've got cotton poplin clothes or doona covers that you're over, turn them into some snazzy table napkins, no need for sets or matching, we like a print mix, and we can all hem a square, surely.

If these physical things are not your vibe, join an online book club. If you're needing a little creative inspo, follow local artists Beci Orpin, Minna Gilligan and Alice Oehr... their accounts are filled with art iso-activities and ideas to draw out that creative spirit of yours. (Lisa's personal tip... pull out that Lego because you're never too big for Lego.)

Writer and friend Lisa Marie Corso has also launched a new website: IATEMYFEELINGS.COM - here Lisa documents stories about people she knows, and shares the recipes of their signature dishes. If you're looking for a spot of light reading plus kitchen tips, look no further.. and call Lisa when you make that fabulous dish of yours... you too might make the #Iatemyfeelings cut...

So we're allowed to get out for daily exercise. We SHOULD get out for daily exercise. If you've never been an exerciser, there's nothing quite like being told to stay in the home that will make you want to take up walking/jogging/riding with vigor... even if you're slow or short on distance, let’s face it, it's a bloody great excuse to cut loose for an hour a day and sniff the autumn air, yes?

In the words of D.Bowie... Let’s Dance.

Tik Tok is a must for families and share house buddies, there's no denying you have time together to master your maneuvers so get in there… definitely tune in and follow our friends at L2R and get active with their daily dance sessions for families and kids on Instagram Live. Head to the L2R website here for all streaming dates and times. Also, have a look at the STEEZY studio app... learn to dance and even track your dancing progress.

Imagine, with a bit of focus now, the level of organization you'll have in your life when we all resurface.

The wardrobe.

Thought you had nothing to wear but you actually just couldn't see it. Sort that beast, create some new looks, and prepare those that no longer make the cut for charity.

The kitchen.

Starting with the containers drawer.

The stationary.

Especially if you're a family and your textas are in with your pens and grey leads, and nobody can ever find anything that works. Sound familiar? How delightful when ALL the pens in the house are both locatable and working and none of your paint tubes are dry.

Social distancing doesn’t mean emotional distancing. Stay connected to and reach out to people that might be feeling lonely through all the great innovative apps, and pick up the phone...

Our friends at Broadsheet have compiled a super sweet list of local restaurants providing takeout meals… date night can still exist in the home with some very tasty offerings on the menu.

And for a few days of nonstop music, tune in to: Isolaid. A new digital music festival with live performances via Insta. All the details listed on their page.

With some time on your hands get busy with a fix-it project or 2. Anything from sewing on that missing button to painting your bedroom, to sorting out the garden. Grab some seeds from your grocery store and #growyourown